It's me, not you.

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There's been buckets of ink already spilled about 1980's Stone Age cassette culture and spinner dial broadcasting to warrant a Penguin size tome, and may much more pour forth. For now, here are my digital contributions. Caveatz tho’~~~~Air check playbacks of my 18-22 year old self are characterized by a superficially outsized air personality, elitist nods to the imagined cognoscenti and strained analysis accompanied by lame one-liners. I sound like an ESPN announcer (more so on WMUA than WPRB or WMFU)~~~~But even though there’s nothing as immediate and tasteful as the meat sliced by the original Pat Benatar band, the selections were choice then and remain so now, yes?~~~ No?~~~ Love is a battlefield!~~~~~All shows at 320 kbps, chopped into proper MP3s with lovingly detailed labeling~~~~Download Qs:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Wicked Company, Valentine's Day seating: TECHNICOLOR TEETH: Teenage Pagans (2012)

Well, this is an unexpected treat! Did you know that we here at LOLOTD  passed on the initial run of gaze gaze, cuz once You’re Living All Over Me is imprinted, there ain't no room for pretend? It appears, howevuh, that Technicolor Teeth have just enuff distance between gazeluh and the unblinking now to've convincingly reconfigured the stuzz in their own gaudy festoon and so, we’re rethinking our position. But that's for later. At the moment - and let me be clear - we are dazzled by the gaudy arrogance in which these Wisconsin shark fucks plunder feedback, echo and verse via the soft white underbelly of mid 90eez toss off civilization. That is, we love it. It’s almost as good as the Negro Spirituals. And for $5, that’s a damn good deal. 

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