It's me, not you.

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There's been buckets of ink already spilled about 1980's Stone Age cassette culture and spinner dial broadcasting to warrant a Penguin size tome, and may much more pour forth. For now, here are my digital contributions. Caveatz tho’~~~~Air check playbacks of my 18-22 year old self are characterized by a superficially outsized air personality, elitist nods to the imagined cognoscenti and strained analysis accompanied by lame one-liners. I sound like an ESPN announcer (more so on WMUA than WPRB or WMFU)~~~~But even though there’s nothing as immediate and tasteful as the meat sliced by the original Pat Benatar band, the selections were choice then and remain so now, yes?~~~ No?~~~ Love is a battlefield!~~~~~All shows at 320 kbps, chopped into proper MP3s with lovingly detailed labeling~~~~Download Qs:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

ATPJR on WMUA 11-16-89

ATPJR ON WMUA 11-16-89
Part 1
Part 2
  • ATPJR ATPJR Aircheck with BOY DIRT CAR bed [following ATPR Aircheck following....]
  • WMUA "Colors" Promo with Jose
  • ATPJR ATPJR Aircheck with BOY DIRT CAR bed [following Colors Promo - Pete Reed in background!]

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